Reprinted from The OVER THE TOP GOLF BLOG 12/08-2009
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FORT PIERCE, Florida - Before you waste your time reading the whole article on #golf swing instruction, I should tell you that most of it is gibberish. In italics, read some of the mind-boggling things that golf pros actually say to students - and expect them to understand.
Is there a point? Oh, yes. I'm hoping that an illustration of how insanely technical golf instruction has become will shepherd us safely back to a simpler time. And, of course, a simpler golf swing-the one you can learn from my OVER THE TOP GOLF eBook. As you may know, OVER THE TOP GOLF is the only golf swing that everybody can do.
Understanding C7 as the swing center is very significant. This description seems far more accurate and usable than saying that one's head should not move during the swing or even that one's head is the pivot point. It even seems to me that the head could be used as a counterweight to the pelvis.
C7 is part of your spinal cord. First you'll have to find it then figure out how to counterweight it with your head. Is that what this golf instructor is trying to tell us? That we should consider various swing components as interrelated bio-mechanical devices? Good luck with that as you stand on the first tee at your member-member..
A complex bio-mechanical apparatus. Understanding that the scapula slides around the ribcage like a bar of soap. The scapula is not fastened down like the other bones in the body.
"Hey Harry, you're not sliding your scapula, that's why you keep slicing the ball." Let's face it, Harry is always going to resist "sliding his scapula" because that's what's most comfortable for him. With OVER THE TOP GOLF it doesn't matter whether you do it or not because my golf swing method accommodates every swing.
The right scapula should adduct in the backswing. This is very different than twisting the ribcage against the pelvis.
So far, you should be as thoroughly confused as I am. And we've only just begun. To adduct or not to adduct, that is the question....
We need to explore these spirals and helixes. Centripetal force is an extremely interesting topic.
You completely emptied your brain of years of golf knowledge in order to accommodate these new swing thoughts. Why is it suddenly full again?
Fire the spine engine for rotational hip power. That is injurious to the spine. But it is close enough to the Quadritus Lumborum that my theory of helical torque propulsion using the tibia, fibula, radius and ulnar, could fit in. Because they are double bone sets they can position the body via torquing and propel the club in a helical manner, while maintaining their position in space, leaving you to trust in your proprioceptor system (A sensory receptor, found chiefly in muscles, tendons, joints, and the inner ear, that detects the motion or position of the body or a limb by responding to stimuli arising within the organism.)
Are you thinking at this point that I made all this up, that there couldn't actually be golf instructors trying to teach this stuff? Truth is stranger than fiction, as they say.
The spine doesn't torque, it swings the sacrum 6 inches going back and 12 inches swinging back to the front line boundary.
Well of course it does. We all knew that. Today's golf lessons are a different animal than the ones we grew up with. Many are seemingly written by cryptographers. The more technical they make it, the more you need golf instructors to decode it.
What lets this spine swing, is a release, a detachment of the heel. The heel is raised by the contraction of the quadritus lumborum, nothing more.
Darn! All this time I've been using my iliolumbar ligament to lift my heel. I think the instructor meant to say quadratus lumborum.
No powering, pushing off, turning, pulling, catapulting, packing the right arm, dragging it through with the lower extremities, ankles, knees or hips. Those actions only serve to dislocate the swing circle center and decelerate the clubhead. In nature anything that wants to propel itself is using helical action.
It's so refreshing to step up to the first tee knowing you are going to hit a nice little draw out there. In fact, that's really all you have to know - that your OVER THE TOP GOLF swing has eliminated all unnecessary swing thoughts for you. It just happens automatically.
This theory fits directly on top of Frankenberg's theory. It is as if they are spawned from the same father in heaven. The supination of the right hand from the top of the down swing balanced with the counter-clockwise rotation of the left humerus.
Supination is something that takes place organically in your swing so you don't need to specifically focus on it. It's the natural tendency of some folks to overcomplicate things. Makes them feel smarter. More importantly to golf pros, it makes you feel dumber.
Turn your right wrist back; for a moment it is under high tension, and then let it loose with a short, sudden snap. Unless the wrists are in their proper place at the top of the swing it is impossible to get them to do this work when the time comes.
Although you understand the logic here, if you have to think of a hundred and fifty things within the half-second it takes to make a golf swing you'll likely miss the ball altogether.
Corkscrews are perfect helixes. So are the double helix structures of Deoxyribonucleic acid... Somehow this must be related to parametric acceleration.
I have heard of golf pros employing tools such as a broom and a sand trap rake to illustrate their points but, up until now, never a corkscrew. I'm thinking that there should be some sort of orthopedic and chiropractic medical plan for golfers who take lessons from instructors like these.
The only theoretical standard I adhere to is the renowned KISS theory - keep it simple, stupid.
OVER THE TOP GOLF - as easy as walking.
the only golf swing that everybody can do
Keywords for this article: golf, swing, over the top, lesson, instruction, eBook, adduct, article, DVD, fort pierce, golf, hip, instruction, lesson, over the top golf, over the top golf swing, pelvis, PIVOT POINT, power, scapula, simple, slice, spine, SWING, TECHNICAL, eBook
Revised 10-22-2012, Revised 05-08-2013