Saturday, November 27, 2010


HOUSTON, Texas - Amazing how the most impossible tasks in life are apparently not so difficult after all according to the people selling all of these incredible remedies. Golf swing flaws? No problem, just swing this broom....They used to be known as carpetbaggers or snake oil salesmen, now it's just known as marketing. People actually go to college to prepare for an entire career doing this.

Advertising a cure for an over the top golf swing seems just as silly as trying to sell a hair restoration product - I mean, who in his right mind would even consider buying it? Most of us, and that probably means you, are born with certain traits that are somewhat inflexible. One of those is the natural tendency to swing any stick-like object such as a baseball bat, an axe or a golf club, using an outside-in swing path. The "correct" golf swing reverses this dynamic. In fact, this reverse dynamic of trying to swing inside-out is so uncomfortable, almost 90% of golfers refuse to do it. Not that they don't want to, mind you, but it takes a lot of work that most of us either don't want to do or simply don't have the time for.

In the world of snake oil salesmen, there are those with good intentions. However, if the product has no practical value, why buy it? It would seem, with all of the golf swing cures out there that it would be an easy thing to play scratch golf. If even some of those golf swing remedies were useful, why are there still so many of them competing for your attention?

  • As this golf instruction DVD shows, the most common fault for such a steep swing is poor ball position. ... The simple fix – keep a close eye on your ball position. ...
  • This ball flight is hit with a square clubface, but again, an over the top golf swing. Making sure your alignment is parallel to your target line may fix ...
  • Some golfers release their club too early in a golf swing. Learn how to add more to your golf swing release to keep from "casting" your club ...
  • Using only your shoulders and upper body in your golf swing can cause you to slice the ball. Learn how to work your shoulders to fix an over the top swing....
  • Are you hitting hooks, slices, shanks or not even making contact with the golf ball? These are possible symptoms of an over the top golf swing.
  • How to Fix an Over the top Golf Swing : Proper Golf Swing Posture
  • From your grip to backswing to follow-though, let the pros fix your over the top golf swing.
  • Get tips on left shoulder motion and how correcting your shoulder turn can help you fix an over the top golf swing in this free golfing technique
  • Stop Coming Over The Top. To fix golf's most common flaw, ... be to the inside or too flat—more like a baseball swing than a golf swing
  • How To Fix an Over the Top Swing. In the past, many people have ... In a golf swing you have approx. 1/4 of a second from the top of the ...
  • How to fix your slice and end your pulls. Now you can hit it straight and ... The over-the-top move in the golf swing can be thought of in the same way. ...
  • Many golfers set up for their swing with their right elbow out too much. Learn how to correct your golf swing setup position and fix an over-the-top golf ...
  • The dreaded over the top golf swing, and how to fix it without one more golf lesson.
  • Had I started forward with a correct swing path, my wrists would have ... with coming "over-the-top" and there is nothing you can do about it until you fix your swing path. ...
  • The over the top golf swing is a premature movement of the upper ..... A temporary fix is to shorten the swing and do what you mentioned. ...
  • An 'over the top' golf swing is the same as an 'outside to In' swing . ... down on a better line – a quick fix and a more permanent cure. ...
  • Learn how to fix an over the top golf swing by understanding the common causes of this classic beginners swing mistake and discover the one tool that can ...
  • It's virtually impossible to play a round of golf or hit a bucket of balls at the range and not hear at least one person talk about coming “over the top.
  • An expert golfer demonstrates a golf configuration drill that you can use to correct an over the top golf swing in this free....
  • Do you find yourself struggling to fix the over the top golf swing problem many times but in the end the problem come back to square one?
  • This is a golf training aid that will fix your golf slice. I have no doubt this is one training that lives up to its promises. ...
  • Learn how to correct your golf swing setup position and fix an over-the-top golf swing in this free golfing technique video. ...
  • Part of the series: Fixing an Over-the-Top Golf Swing. Fix common backswing problems and learn how to correct an over the top swing with the expert tips and ...
  • Just imagine.... in the next 2 minutes you are going to learn how to fix your over the top golf swing.
  • Do you find yourself hitting the top of the golf ball every single time you perform the golf swing? Over the top problem is the common ...
  • Swinging from the arms only can cause you to slice a golf ball. Learn about the correct hip and leg motion for a golf swing in.
  • Learn how to fix Coming Over The Top with your golf swing. ... It's all about controlling the golf swing. The golf swing is a chain reaction ...
  • During performing a golf swing, many golfers admit that fixing an over the top golf swing is the most difficult thing to do.
  • The only way to cure your golf slice is by learning different swing feelings for the correct movement.
  • Maybe the most common golf swing flaw in amateur golf is the over the top swing. This swing plane can result in slices, pulls and even ...
  • An expert golfer demonstrates a golf configuration drill that you can use to correct an over the top golf swing in this free golfing technique video. ...
  • If you are struggling with golf swing problems, these tips will help you overcome them. Fix a golf swing hook or get rid of an over the top golf swing. ...
  • Finally, if the club face is too open at the top it can lead to an over the top golf swing. How to fix Over the Top Golf Swing ...
  • How to Fix an Over the top Golf Swing How to Keep a Straight Left....

Have an over the top golf swing? Good, acknowledging it is a perfect first step because if you do and you think you don't you are lost forever. Go and buy some snake oil or, perhaps, a new $400 driver. As for the rest of us, There is only one place where you can learn to do it right! Not fix it or cure it or correct it - LEARN HOW TO DO IT RIGHT! RIGHT HERE!

Keywords for this article: golf, swing, over the top, lesson, instruction, eBook, correct, cure, fix, flaw, golf instruction DVD, golf swing, golf swing flaws, golf swing remedies, outside-in swing, over the top golf swing, scratch golf
Revised 09-03-2012

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


DALLAS, Texas - Every golfer knows what it feels like when you stick the clubhead in the ground and the shock zings all the way up your arm. That sensation is sometimes followed by a sharp pain in your right hand, often resulting from some damage you've done to it.

Memories such as this one seem to preclude more tentative golf swings for many men and women. Men's golf is more power-oriented. Women's golf is more cautious. As such, after a traumatic impact, a man might be more inclined to force the issue, trying to take a larger divot, for example, while women tend to reset at a lower swing speed. Both men and women, however, after repeated impacts, will be compelled by a survival instinct to BACK OFF.

Which is the correct way to solve the problem of how not to suffer a golf injury during your round but still swing the golf club with the authority necessary to produce great shots?

The Over The Top Golf swing was originally created in response to issues involving swing paths and balance but the additional benefits turned out to be much more. My former tribulations involving slices, hooks and golf's other abominations led to a method which produces a squared club face at impact and allows me to hit the ball as hard as I want without hurting myself.

I'm writing this article in reponse to an email I received from a girl in Indiana looking to cure a slice, telling me about the HUGE divots she now takes using the Over The Top Golf swing. "Especially with my wedge and short irons, she wrote, I now take long divots, some almost a foot long, owing to the confidence that I can power my club-head through any turf." That feeling is merely a by-product of the benefits you'll receive from learning this method but it is a wonderful illustration of newly-found confidence.

The basic principle of Over The Top Golf is that you can basically keep your own golf swing but, by adding just five set-up changes, your game will be elevated in many ways. Longer, lower tee shots, improved accuracy and the confidence I just mentioned are a few that come to mind. Owning a swing that you understand and can work with is another one.

If golf lesson after golf lesson hasn't helped and if you don't have a lot of time to practice complicated stuff, The Over The Top Golf swing could be perfect for you.

hit the ball hard!

Keywords for this article: golf, swing, over the top, lesson, instruction, eBook, cure slice, golf injury, golf lesson, men's golf, over the top golf swing, squared club face at impact, swing the golf club, women's golf
Revised 09-03-2012

Thursday, November 18, 2010



VERO BEACH, Florida - We all crave attention but a golf pro's recent assessment of my golf swing as being "too radical" made me wonder how he'd missed all of the other stuff pretending to be golf instruction. "You'll notice that the vast majority of my shots go dead-straight with some pace on them" I pointed out. Want to drive your pro a little crazy? Introduce him to something outside the box that actually works. I guarantee that, instead of researching the mechanics that make it possible, he'll be in his golf cart and gone before you tee up your next ball.

Okay, I'll be the first to concede that my OVER THE TOP GOLF swing might seem radical. It's different-looking, for sure, and always elicits responses from onlookers, playing partners, pros and their assistants, starters, rangers, other golfers on adjacent fairways,  driving range ball-pickers, people passing  in cars, pilots in low flying aircraft, etc.

Be that as it may, OVER THE TOP GOLF is so simple in both it's design and in practice that I can't help but laugh when I read some of the wacky golf instruction that passes for normal. I'll share a few with you. Will any of these fix your slice?

1. Change position of the hands. Put the other one on top and visa-versa.

2. Don't be so upright. You must take the club back flatter. That is more around your body. That would be a good start. Then make sure that just before impact you start releasing the club head sooner than before. Visualize the club head traveling on an inside to out path at impact. There are of course a lot of other things that need to take place in order to duplicate and become effective and repetitive. Make sure weight is transferred to left side before impact. End up with all of your weight on that left foot and be up on right toe in balance.

3. Bring your club to the top of your swing. Now, instead of just swinging away, start the downswing and get the club into the position it should be at about halfway down, but slowly. Bring the club back up to the top, and repeat that move, only a little faster this time. Bring the club back up to the top and repeat the move at about 3/4 speed. Finally bring it to the top and swing. The three previous practice moves should ingrain some muscle memory, and the swing path should be where it needs to be.

I could go on for another hundred pages but you get the idea already. The golf swing has become so complicated that the average golfer  can't keep up without a secretarial pool to keep him current.

If you want to start hitting really authoritative golf shots; the ones that tell people you are a good golfer, try OVER THE TOP GOLF. For the ridiculously low price you'll pay, a game you only dreamed about could be yours. Your pro might not like it but who is more important, him or you?



Keywords for this article: golf, swing, over the top, lesson, instruction, eBook, fix slice, golf instruction, golf swing, golf tips, over the top golf, radical golf swing
Revised 09-03-2012

Saturday, November 13, 2010



DAYTONA BEACH, Florida - Seeing Paula Creamer's name at the top of the leaderboard this morning made me feel happy. Probably made a lot of folks happy because we all want the best for her, don't we? The perpetual smile, her determination on the course and a pleasantly outgoing personality have made Paula a fan favorite. When 4:00 PM rolls around today I'll switch channels from college football to ladies golf, knowing I'll see her smiling. Because whether her approaches are kick-ins or bad luck besets her, afterward she'll take it like a champ and during her interview, she'll smile.

Some other names appearing in bold type in today's Tribune golf news are Brett Stegmaier of Vero Beach who is sitting just four strokes back at the PGA of America Assistant Pro Championship. After an opening 66 on PGA's very forgiving Wanamaker Course his second round was ten strokes higher. Popular South Florida golfer Briny Baird is in contention at the PGA Tour Children's Miracle Network in Lake Buena Vista. Here's hoping that Briny earns his 2011 Tour card on Sunday. Finally, almost-US Open hero Jim Herman is among the leaders at the PGA Tour Australian Masters. Finishing in a ten-back pack that included names like Woods and Villegas, the Port St. Lucie resident can make a big statement down under.

Call it golf instruction, golf lessons, curing a slice or what have you, teaching a golf swing that makes me look smart is a good thing. The teaching pro who pushes his students beyond their capabilities is never assured of that same satisfied feeling. I vividly recall the frustration I felt from the parade of stubborn, illogical golf pros insisting that I pull an inside-out swing path out of my ass. Of course, there was also the numbing feeling of going into my pocket so often after rounds of golf. Learning is a bitch. I usually wasn't smiling as I arrived for my next lesson.

When you swing from outside-in, AKA over the top, the result is usually a big ol' slice. At the driving range, you can even put some extra cheese on that slice but on the golf course your banana ball is useless, except as a WMD.

Want to turn that entertaining but destructive slice into a long, low, absolutely straight thing of beauty? Ready to learn a great golf swing? Just click on the Buy Now icon, after which you will instantaneously receive the OVER THE TOP GOLF instructional eBook outlining my five set-up changes. Then get out there and crush everybody you know.

Speaking of smiling, on every 18th green in the world, you'll always find at least one person with a big smile on their face. It might as well be you.


Keywords for this article: golf, swing, over the top, lesson, instruction, eBook, banana ball, Brett Stegmaier, Briny Baird, curing a slice, golf instruction, golf instruction eBook, golf lesson, golf swing, Jim Herman, learn golf, over the top golf swing, Paula Creamer
Revised 09-03-2012, Revised 05-23-2013

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Dear Frankie,

I am writing to tell you that, after learning your Over The Top Golf swing method, I now have the best golf swing at my club. My former swing which was borne from the instruction of PGA professionals from New York to Arizona, is nothing more than an unpleasant memory. The objective of all golfers should be scoring well and having fun. Thanks to your golf instruction I have achieved both.

Very truly yours,


It is so gratifying to receive letters like this. Sentiments like Marlon's will always mean a lot to me.

Is Over the Top Golf the best swing? I like to think it is. I also like that Marlon thinks so too.


Keywords for this article: golf, swing, over the top, lesson, instruction, eBook, best golf swing, golf DVD, golf instruction, golf swing method, over the top golf swing
Revised 09-03-2012, Revised 03-09-2013